So I've decided to start a blog. I thought that this would be a good idea considering we don't get to see our friends and family often and this is a way for those of you who want to can stay in touch with our everyday lives. I'll start from last summer. In May of 2008 Mike was medically discharged from the Marines after 11 years. We then moved from North Carolina back home to Ohio. It really wasn't a "move" more or less a 3 month vacation visiting with family. I have to say that was and probably always will be one of my favorite summers ever! No work, all play! It was great for the grandparents to spend so much time with Hailey! Mike was offered a job in Maryland so we packed up and headed east again. The location was perfect for him because he was already working part time here at an airport. (you'll hear more about this later) Mike started his job in mid August and has been enjoying it for the most part. Since we've been here we have made some g...